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Our Colors

Primary color palette

Our primary color uses Teal as the main accent color to help the brand remain consistently recognizable.

Teal: Dynamic, growth

Pastels: Approachability, nuturing

Name: Teal

HEX: #50c1bc

CMYK: C: 64 M: 0 Y: 32 K: 0

Name: Pastel Teal

HEX: #dbefeb

CMYK: C: 64 M: 0 Y: 32 K: 0

Name: Dark Grey

HEX: #5a5a5c

CMYK: C: 63 M: 56 Y: 53 K: 27

Supplementary colors palette

An additional color spectrum of vibrant and pastel shades are defined to identify core themes, whereby pastel shades remain primarily used for backgrounds and their vibrant alternatives to be used for accenting elements.

Name: Yellow

HEX: #fdca19

CMYK: C: 1 M: 2 Y: 97 K: 0

Name: Buttercup

HEX: #f8efd9

CMYK: C: 2 M: 4 Y: 15 K: 0

Name: Purple

HEX: #8b54a2

CMYK: C: 52 M: 79 Y: 0 K: 0

Name: Lilac

HEX: #d0a1c7

CMYK: C: 16 M: 41 Y: 1 K: 0

Name: Lime

HEX: #9bca6d

CMYK: C: 43 M: 1 Y: 75 K: 0

Name: Orange

HEX: #f89956

CMYK: C: 0 M: 48 Y: 73 K: 0

Name: Apricot

HEX: #feefe8

CMYK: C: 0 M: 6 Y: 6 K: 0

Name: Ocean

HEX: #47abd6

CMYK: C: 66 M: 16 Y: 6 K: 0

Name: Arctic

HEX: #cce5f0

CMYK: C: 18 M: 2 Y: 3 K: 0

Name: Green

HEX: #5dbe77

CMYK: C: 64 M: 0 Y: 72 K: 0

Name: Red

HEX: #f05655

CMYK: C: 0 M: 82 Y: 64 K: 0

Name: Blush

HEX: #f8dfe5

CMYK: C: 1 M: 14 Y: 3 K: 0

Name: Navy

HEX: #2f6993

CMYK: C: 86 M: 56 Y: 24 K: 4

Name: Sky

HEX: #cce2f5

CMYK: C: 18 M: 4 Y: 0 K: 0

Name: Jade

HEX: #deeddc

CMYK: C: 13 M: 1 Y: 15 K: 0

Name: Tea

HEX: #ecf5e2

CMYK: C: 7 M: 0 Y: 13 K: 0

Color Usage

Main accent colors

These main colors can be used for titles, url links, buttons in collaterals, with each color assigned for each key function, namely:


Titles/ Headings


CTA/ links/ keywords

For sub-headings, sub-titles, body copy, dark grey should be the only color used for consistency:

Dark Grey

Body text

Nunito bold, navy

Montserrat regular,

dark grey

Montserrat bold,

dark grey

Montserrat bold, teal

PEAKS accent colors

Use these accent colors for PEAKS related content.











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